Below is a list of digital collections recently added or in progress at Amherst College Library. Our focus since 2017 has been in adding collections related to the Amherst College Bicentennial as we prepare for the celebrations in 2021, and have some connection to Amherst College’s history. To see more of our digital collections, please visit Amherst College Digital Collections (ACDC).
Bicentennial collections
Amherst College Administrative Publications Collection
Admission Office, Annual Reports to Secondary Schools
Amherst College Class Album Collection (selection)
Amherst College Commencement Collection
Amherst College Early History Collection
Amherst College Early History Manuscripts & Pamphlets Collection
Amherst College Photographer Records, 1960-2005 (ongoing)
Amherst College Scrapbooks Collection (selection)
Amherst College Student and Alumni Publications Collection (selection)
Buildings and Grounds Collection, 1820 – (selection)
Dean of Faculty Records, Public Meeting Minutes
Dramatic Activities Collection, 1826-present (selection)
Sidney Brooks (AC 1841) Papers
Frederick Brewster Loomis (AC 1896) Papers
Justin Perkins (AC 1829) Papers, circa 1830-1869
Henry J. Van Lennep (AC 1837) Sketches and Papers, 1834-1879
Featured Collections

College Photographer Negatives
Amherst College Photographer Records Collection contains more than 400,000 images taken by official college photographers from 1960-2005. The collection contains primarily 35mm black and white negatives that document college events, people and places. Read More.

Commencement Collection
The Commencement programs in the Amherst College Commencement Collection are now available in ACDC. The Amherst College Commencement Collection contains commencement programs, news articles, speeches, class week programs and schedules of events, tickets for events held during class week and commencement, poems, student addresses and other items relating to commencements. Read More.

Dean of Faculty. Public meeting minutes.
The Dean of Faculty Records, Public Meeting Minutes are now available in ACDC. Since these records are restricted until 50 years after their date of creation and since the records were ingested into ACDC in 2019, only minutes in the collection created before 1970 are currently available. Read more.
Other relevant collections
The following collections were originally part of our Bicentennial planning in the library, but for various reasons have not been added to our digital collections. Some are available online in other forms, most are available in the college archives and special collections, and we hope to include them in our digitization efforts in the future.