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Pre-digitization surveys: I:\DigitalPrograms\PreDigitizationSurveys\ma00335_AdmissionOfficeReportstoSecondarySchools
Trello card [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
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Year one (2017 – 2018): finish collection
– Pre-digitization surveys: Complete
– Digitization start
– Digitization complete
– Metadata start
– Metadata complete
– Ingest selections into ACDC
- Actually ingested: November 2018
- Surveys have been reviewed, **Tim to separate out extraneous copies of reports (multiples from many of the years, only one from each year needs to be digitized)** – also discussed what to do with the Info for Applicants reports and the Faculty reports which are sometimes inserted loosely into the secondary school reports. Will treat them as one digital object for that year. Digitize the separate document just as you would an enclosure with a letter. Order it so that the secondary school report is first and the additional document next. For further comments on the review of the survey- see the metadata pre-dig survey’s “Follow up” column. – PDSG 11/2017You can also view our collection overview for this project.
- Rights: after consultation with Laura Quilter, we determined that these items would likely fall into the category of unpublished materials. Since they were completed as a work-for-hire with Amherst College being the hiring body, we applied the Creative Commons license to the items (given our permission to do so for College copyrighted materials in consultation with Legal Counsel). See Copyright Task Force documentation if necessary for further information.