Size: 35.5 linear feet (only selected portions will be digitized)
Pre-digitization surveys: I:\DigitalPrograms\PreDigitizationSurveys\ma00103_ClassAlbumsCollection (metadata only as of 12/1/17)
Trello card [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
Finding aid
Year two (2018 – 2019): archival processing
– Archives will be reviewing the organization of the collection and identifying materials for digitization
Year three (2019 – 2020): finish partial collection
– Digitization start
– Digitization (of partial collection) complete
– Metadata start
– Metadata complete
– Ingest selections into ACDC
- We are only digitizing one album per year. Archives will select which is the “best” copy for each year – BPWG 7/6/17
You can also view our collection overview for this project.