Size: 105 volumes (partial); 1.5 linear feet (partial) Only selected portions will be digitized.
Pre-digitization surveys: I:\DigitalPrograms\PreDigitizationSurveys\rg001_BoardOfTrusteesRecords [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
Trello card [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
Finding aid
Timeline (no longer applicable, see last bullet point in Notes section below)
Year one (2017 – 2018): begin partial digitization
– Pre-digitization surveys: In process
– Archives will process & post finding aid
– Digitization start? (originally scheduled to start in Year 2; may bump up)
Year two (2018 – 2019): finish collection
– Digitization finish
– Metadata start
– Metadata complete
– Ingest selections into ACDC
- No finding aid yet, in the Board of Trustees Records per Rachel
- Digitizing only the 8 bound volumes of Board of Trustee minutes. Archives will work on creating a finding aid before we start digitizing.
- Note from Rachel 7/6/17: The series that contains the meeting minutes is arranged and described and is available in ArchivesSpace under Board of Trustees Records. A finding aid for the entire record group is in the works and I hope to have it finished in the next few months.
- 11/2017 update: review of surveys complete, just awaiting BOG decision on question of selection
- 1/2018 update: Finding aid now available online in Asteria. DP will test OCR on selections of the various copies of the typescript transcriptions (which are incomplete; cover only the minutes from 1825-1923). Depending on quality of results, will digitize one copy of this version. Will then need to decide how to present in ACDC (orig manuscript version, typescript transcription, & OCR content). – Last discussed at 1/10/18 BOG
- Per BPWG 1/14/19: Removed this collection from the Bicentennial Digitization priorities.
You can also view our collection overview for this project.