Sidney Brooks (AC 1841) Papers

black and white photograph of Amherst, MA featuring Amherst College, 1800s

Size: 0.5 linear feet
Pre-digitization surveys: I:\DigitalPrograms\PreDigitizationSurveys\ma00329_SidneyBrooksPapers [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
Trello card [restricted to internal users; contact us to learn more]
Finding aid

Year one (2017 – 2018): finish collection
– Pre-digitization surveys: Done
– Digitization start
– Digitization complete
– Metadata start
– Metadata complete
– Ingest selections into ACDC

  • Actually ingested into ACDC: November 2018


  • Digitization of this collection is already complete – 12/1/17
  • Folder 9 contains later typed transcripts of original manuscript letters in folders 2 & 3. Could either treat as single digital object with 2 shelf locations or as 2 digital objects. Decided to go with latter and include the following notes in the metadata: “There is a typed transcript of this letter in Folder 9 of this collection.” “This document is a transcript of a letter in Folder __ of this collection.” Will not link using mods:relatedItem. – 11/27/17 email between AP, RJ, SWM, KG

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