This collection is no longer planned for ingest into ACDC as part of the Bicentennial Project.
In January 2019, roughly half-way through the Bicentennial Project, we assessed what we had done so far and what more we could do within our timeline. On account of this assessment, we removed 7 collections/portions of collections from our list of those we planned to complete by the end of the project (August 2020). This collection is one of those removed. We chose to remove this collection and prioritize others instead for several reasons:
- The content in this collection is valuable, but ultimately other collections were chosen as higher priorities because they align more with our original bicentennial priority criteria or because they represented aspects of College history that were otherwise not yet represented in ACDC.
- This collection may benefit highly from enhancements to ACDC that we hope to be able to provide in the future, such as OCRd text and full-text searching capabilities. Such enhancements, however, will not be completed by our Bicentennial Project end date and are on hold until we complete a repository systems migration.
Collection Overview page completed before removing this portion of a collection from the Bicentennial Project:

This sub-group of the Board of Trustees Records contains minutes taken at Amherst College Board of Trustees meetings. For the Bicentennial project, we plan to only digitize the meeting minutes which are past the 50 year embargo from date of creation. Researchers interested in the activity and history of the Board of Trustees of Amherst College specifically and boards of trustees of higher ed institutions generally will find material of interest in this collection.
In addition to the original manuscript minutes, we have typescript transcriptions of minutes covering the years 1825-1923. The transcriptions were authorized by the trustees of Amherst College in 1939 and completed by 1946. We plan to digitize one of our four copies of the typed transcriptions and create OCR files to enable full-text searching of this subset of minutes.
This collection is scheduled for digitization and description in Year Two (2019) of our Bicentennial project.
For more information
- You can check out the collection’s finding aid online.
- You can also view our technical documentation for this project.